Depending on your user rights, you may see a Change Application button at the top of each Service Overview.
Here is an quick guide to what each edit option allows you to do and when to use them.
Correct Vendor, Account Number or Name on Account
- Ability to edit Office, Partner, Account Number, Name on Account, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Price Per Unit, Additional Charges, Benefit Amount, and Total Benefit Approved. You are required to enter a reason for your edit. Ex. “Typo on Account Number”.
- Finance requirements – cannot be on a transmittal yet. This option is to correct the application before sending to the vendor.
Edit Office
- Ability to edit Office, Partner, Account Number, Name on Account, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Price Per Unit, Additional Charges, Benefit Amount and Total Benefit Approved. You are required to enter a reason for your edit. Ex. “User was in office A instead of Office B (their default office) today, and this application was not completed under Office A.”
- Finance requirements – cannot be on a transmittal yet. This option is to correct the office associated with the application before sending to the vendor, as the office will appear on transmittal and payment printouts.
Manually edit pledge
- Ability to edit Office, Partner, Account Number, Name on Account, Unit of Measure, Benefit Amount, Pledge #, and Total Benefit Approved. You are required to enter a reason for your edit. “The pledge number created for vendor validation needs to be corrected” or “The application was completed without automatically created a pledge.” A pledge is required for service from KU/LGE.
- Finance requirements – cannot be on a transmittal yet. This option is to edit the pledge number associated with the service before sending to the vendor or to resubmit to vendor.
Benefit determined at the time of application is incorrect
- Ability to edit Office, Partner, Account Number, Name on Account, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Price Per Unit, Additional Charges, Benefit Amount, and Total Benefit Approved. You are required to enter a reason for your edit. Ex. “Benefit approved was $300, but it should have been $250.”
- Finance requirements – cannot be on a transmittal yet. This option is to correct the benefit amount before sending to the vendor for service.
Benefit delivered is different than benefit approved
- Ability to edit Office, Partner, Account Number, Name on Account, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Price Per Unit, Additional Charges, Benefit Amount, and Total Benefit Approved. You are required to enter a reason for your edit. Ex. Client is approved for 100 gallons of propane, but their tank still had 25 gallons in it. Client only received a benefit of 75 gallons. Note that this does not change the approved amount, but just documents that there was a difference between approved and delivered amounts.
- Finance requirements – must be on a transmittal that is marked as transmitted. This edit comes after confirmation from the vendor that they delivered a different amount.
Edit Service
- Ability to edit Office, Partner, Account Number, Name on Account, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Price Per Unit, Additional Charges, Benefit Amount, and Total Benefit Approved. You are required to enter a reason for your edit.
- Finance requirements - cannot be on a transmittal yet. This option is to correct the benefit amount before sending to the vendor for service.
Correct Household Information
- Use to correct household information that could impacted eligibility and benefit determination. Ex. Income or housing type were not accurate at time of service. This option will require you to void the application. You will be required to enter a reason for this void. Ex. “Housing type was entered as Subsidized when it should have been Non-Subsidized at time of service. Based on the LIHEAP Benefit Matrix, the client received the incorrect benefit amount.”
- Finance requirements – cannot be on a transmittal yet. This option is to ensure accurate eligibility and benefit determination before sending to the vendor.
Void Application
- If there is an issue with the service that cannot be edited using any of the above options, void the application. You will be required to enter a reason for this void.
- Finance requirements – cannot be on a transmittal yet. This option is to ensure accurate eligibility and benefit determination before sending to the vendor.
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